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Arjuna Churna ist ein ayurvedisches Gewürzpulver aus der Arjunarinde und reduziert die Dosha Pitta und Kapha. (Doshas sind die Energieprinzipien im Ayurveda. Fragen Sie uns an.)
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Für Fragen rund um das Thema Kräuterpulver steht Ihnen der Kundendienst gerne zur Verfügung.
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Stress does not arise from outside, but is a reaction to external circumstances. Instead of 'managing' stress - usually with the mind (EGO), the approach in Ayurveda is not to let stress arise whatever the external circumstances are. The decisive factor is the reaction to external circumstances.
Arjuna is often recommended in India for stressed people. While Western cultures today often learn to manage stress, Ayurveda sees stress as an inner disharmony. It is not caused exclusively by external circumstances, but rather is the body's reaction to these circumstances. The Ayurvedic approach aims to avoid stress from the outset - regardless of the external conditions. The inner reaction to these influences is crucial. This makes it clear that Ayurveda is not just focused on taking preparations.
Arjuna Churna has an astringent and bitter taste. Its energetic property is cooling, while after digestion it has a laxative effect. Arjuna helps to balance the doshas Kapha and Pitta. However, if consumed in excess, it can increase Vata.
Mythologically Arjuna one of the five brothers who fought for good and received the Bhagavad Gita from Lord Krishna. He is known as a protector. Similar to the mythological figure, the whitish bark of the Arjuna tree is considered to be a protective force.
Like many Ayurvedic plants and barks, Arjuna Churna a bitter taste, which is why it can be challenging to consume the powder neat.
As early as the 7th century, the Ayurvedic teacher Acharya Vagbhatta recommended cooking the bark in milk to improve the taste and at the same time use milk as a binding medium.
Traditionally, 1 teaspoon of Arjuna Churna is macerated overnight in 150 ml of water to produce a cold extract of the bark powder. In the morning, 150 ml of milk is added and the mixture is cooked over low heat until the liquid has reduced by half.
Modern preparation suggestions take into account that there is often little time available for preparation. You can simmer 1 part Arjuna Churna with 8 parts milk and 32 parts water over low heat without macerating the powder first. Stir constantly until the liquid is reduced to 8 parts. Then strain the finished extract through a cotton cloth and enjoy it warm.
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2g Pulver (zwei Messlöffel) in warmes Wasser einrühren und trinken.
Die Tagesverzehrmenge von 2g Pflanzenpulver enthält 60mg Tannine.
Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechs-
lungsreiche Ernährung, sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise verwendet werden.
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