Nur hochwertige Ayurveda- und weitere Natur-Produkte

Marken-Hersteller kennen die Wissenschaft vom Leben und bieten wertvolle Ayurveda- und Natur-Produkte aus natürlich kontrolliertem Anbau an - häufig im Sinne der uralten Ayurveda Schriften (Sanskrit).

Jetzt bis 30% Rabatt auf ausgewählte Produkte

R.E.V.O.O Olive Oil, Revolutionary Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 250ml
CHF 52.00
CHF 104.00
CHF 52.00
Save CHF 52.00
“Herbal tea for Pitta” Ayurveda Premium Gold Tea, 100g bag
CHF 8.60
CHF 9.70
CHF 8.60
Save CHF 1.10
«YOGATEE» Ayurveda Premium Gold, 100g bag
CHF 6.80
CHF 7.90
CHF 6.80
Save CHF 1.10
«RELAX» evening tea Ayurveda Premium Gold, 100g bag
CHF 6.80
CHF 7.90
CHF 6.80
Save CHF 1.10
“Herbal tea for Kapha” Ayurveda Premium Gold Tea, 100g bag
CHF 6.70
CHF 8.00
CHF 6.70
Save CHF 1.30
Ayurveda Udvarthana (Udvartana) body peeling powder Tridosha, 100 - 1,000 g
CHF 6.80
CHF 5.20
CHF 6.80
Save CHF -1.60
Kaash massage bowls coarse or fine, made by hand (Ayurveda paradise)
CHF 24.90
CHF 26.00
CHF 24.90
Save CHF 1.10
Original Ayurveda Kansa face/head massage stick, coarse or fine, handmade (Ayurveda paradise)
CHF 45.90
CHF 49.50
CHF 45.90
Save CHF 3.60
Bai 24 Chandraprabha Bati, 100 tablets
CHF 31.60
CHF 39.50
CHF 31.60
Save CHF 7.90
Anu Thailam nose oil Ayurveda Premium, large, 30ml in a glass with pipette
CHF 15.60
CHF 15.60
Tongue cleaner / tongue scraper made of real copper ECO
CHF 6.90
CHF 8.20
CHF 6.90
Save CHF 1.30
Ayurvedic oil heater or aroma diffuser, 2.5dl copper bowl, handmade
CHF 42.90
CHF 48.40
CHF 42.90
Save CHF 5.50

Introductory price 20% on sesame oil until the end of September

Premium sesame oil Ayurveda massage white matured, cold pressed: 1 liter medical glass bottle
CHF 17.00
CHF 17.00
Premium sesame oil Ayurveda massage black matured, cold pressed: 1 liter medical glass bottle
CHF 18.00
CHF 18.00
Premium sesame oil Ayurveda massage white matured, cold pressed: 5 liters
CHF 79.00
CHF 79.00
Premium sesame oil Ayurveda massage black matured, cold pressed: 5 liters
CHF 82.00
CHF 82.00

Was ist gereiftes Sesamöl

Introducing sesame oil

Our cold-pressed and ripened sesame oil, both in white and black versions, comes from southern India and is obtained from natural cultivation. This high-quality oil is characterized by its rich nutrient profile and offers numerous health benefits, including antioxidants that support cell protection.

Thanks to the gentle cold pressing, the valuable composition of fatty acids and other bioactive compounds is preserved.

Our sesame oil is suitable for body massage and as a mouthwash. Matured means that the sesame oil has been briefly heated to 100°C.

Our sesame oil for therapists and private individuals is available in a practical 5 liter bag-in-box and in a 1 liter glass medicine bottle , which not only protects the quality but also allows for easy handling.

Sesame oil is a versatile oil that is excellent for massages and offers numerous health benefits such as moisturizing, antioxidant effect, anti-inflammatory, calming, relaxing, rich in fatty acids. Therapists often mix it with other oils.

Premium Sesamöl Ayurveda Paradies
Sesamöl weiss und schwarz aus natürlichem Anbau im Ayurveda Paradies

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Ayurveda: Die Wissenschaft vom Leben erfahren

Es existieren tausend Krankheiten, doch es gibt nur eine Gesundheit

Es ist häufig eine Herausforderung, Veränderungen im Leben herbeizuführen. Unser Gehirn, das oft auch als Ego bezeichnet wird, sucht nach Wegen, um weniger Anstrengung aufbringen zu müssen. Wenn wir gewohnt sind, unseren bisherigen Gewohnheiten zu folgen und nichts Neues wagen, erfordert dies weniger Energie von unserem Gehirn.


Durch die Prinzipien des Ayurveda und Ihrer bewussten, geistigen Entwicklung, sind Sie in der Lage, ein Gleichgewicht von Körper, Geist und Seele zu schaffen. Auch Sie sind ein multimensionales Wesen.


Ich ermutige Sie gerne, den Weg in Richtung Ayurveda zu finden und Ihr Bewusstsein zu stärken um glücklich, zufrieden und fröhlich zu leben und den Sinn Ihres Daseins zu erfahren.

Natürlich verfügen Sie über einen freien Willen, den ich respektiere. Wenn Sie noch jung sind, empfehle ich Ihnen, möglichst früh mit Ayurveda zu beginnen, sodass Sie diesen Lebensstil im Alter harmonisch integrieren konnten.


Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Kraft, Mut und den Willen, Ihr Leben und Ihre Gesundheit aktiv zu gestalten. Sie haben nur eine Gesundheit, und wer in der Lage ist, sein Denken zu verändern, beeinflusst auch sein Leben und das seiner Mitmenschen. Oftmals ist es notwendig, die Richtung zu wechseln, um den eigenen Weg zu finden.


Starten Sie jetzt! Wir helfen Ihnen gerne.

Mein Versprechen: Ehrliche Produkte. Ehrliche Beratung.

Marcel M. Rohmer, Ganzheitlicher Ayurveda- und spiritueller-Coach

Neueste Produkte im Ayurveda Paradies

Recommendations from our customers

Discover AYURVEDA, the science of life.
These Ayurveda products are particularly popular with our customers


Your Swiss company specializing in high-quality Ayurveda and other natural products since 2018.

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Naturopaths, Ayurveda medicine, therapists and specialist companies have placed their trust in us since 2018.

Telefonische Bestellungen

We are also happy to take your order by telephone from MON-FRI 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Telephone 043 211 91 91. If no one is available, we will call you back.

Einfache Zahlung

Simple and secure payment with credit card or invoice, thanks to the best online shop system Shopify.

Versand mit der Schweizer Post

Free delivery throughout Switzerland with PostPac Economy from an order value of CHF 200.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda: Ayurveda Produkte Banner

Ayurveda Produkte

The Ayurvedic products from our international suppliers come from traditional production (Pharmacopoeia) and consist of traditional raw materials of the best quality. This is what Marcel Rohmer stands for as a leader in the Ayurveda paradise.

All products are made from natural sources. The raw plants are harvested at the right time by experienced pickers and then processed in standardized processes on modern facilities. Depending on the supplier, our certified Ayurveda products have different labels such as EUR-Organic, Fair Trade, BDIH, ISO, GMP, Eurofins and others. Ayurveda products ensure harmony in your body, mind and soul.

Only harmony makes people perfect and happy.

Ayurvedic products bring harmony to your body, mind and soul . Only harmony makes people perfect and happy.

Discover the miracle of AYURVEDA
(Ayus = Life, Veda = Knowledge.

Ayurveda- und weitere Natur-Produkte

Gesundheit ist nicht käuflich

Ayurveda the science of life teaches that you cannot buy health in the pharmacy. It requires active lifestyle changes.

Proper nutrition, exercise and adapting to the time of day and season are part of it, as are an ethical lifestyle and meditation. Ayurvedic medicine sees life as an interaction between body, mind and soul. Over 45,000 plant species have been used in India for thousands of years, around 20,000 of which are used medicinally. Almost all sacred scriptures in India mention various plants for this purpose. These writings (Sanskrit / Vedas) were written down between 4500 and 1500 BC and were constantly expanded.

Ayurvedic medicinal plants have a variety of effects, ranging from adjusting the 'dosa balance' to immune modulation. You can find antioxidant or antibacterial herbs, others destroy toxins in the body, stimulate digestion or correct metabolic diseases and specifically strengthen a tissue, organ and canal system.

Ayurveda: Gesundheit ist nicht käuflich Banner
Ayurveda: Dem inneren Gleichgewicht auf der Spur Banner

Ayurveda - dem inneren Gleichgewicht auf der Spur

Ayurveda - the Indian teaching about the "knowledge of life" - strives for balance on a physical and mental level.

This includes a functioning metabolism, good digestion and a state of inner happiness.

Anyone who does not look soul, mind and body holistically can neither cure illnesses nor eliminate deficiencies - at most alleviate symptoms.

The Ayurvedic view takes into account all influencing factors that promote a person's inner balance and contribute to their well-being.

Vata with the elements wind and ether (space) embodies the principle of movement. Qualities associated with Vata are dry, light and cold.

Pitta stands for the metabolic principle, the elements of which are fire and water. Properties of the force - also known as the transformation principle - are light, oily, hot and penetrating.

Kapha with the elements earth and water is the structural principle. It is characterized by stability, grounding and substance. It is determined by properties such as cold, moist, heavy, slimy and stable.

All life processes are controlled by the 'Dosas'. If these are in balance, the person is healthy; If they become imbalanced, various complaints/illnesses arise.

Dosa balance means that they exist in a proportion corresponding to the nature (prakrti) of humans and animals. There are a number of special medicinal plants in Ayurveda for this purpose.

The principles of Ayurveda

At the heart of Ayurveda are the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These energetic principles are responsible for a person's individual constitution.

A balance of these doshas is crucial for maintaining health.

To achieve this balance, Ayurveda uses a variety of therapies, including nutrition, herbal medicine, massage and meditation practices.

Ayurveda: Gründe für Ungleichgewicht der Doshas Banner
Ayurveda: Individuelle Ernährung Banner

Nutrition in Ayurveda

One of the central pillars of Ayurveda is nutrition. This emphasizes that food not only nourishes the body, but also influences mental and emotional health.

Ayurvedic diet is based on the selection of foods that balance the doshas and take individual needs into account.

It is recommended to consume freshly prepared foods and choose seasonal products.

In addition, the preparation and enjoyment of the food plays an important role as it supports overall emotional and physical well-being.

Meditation and mindfulness

In addition to nutrition and herbs, meditation plays a central role in Ayurveda. Not only does it promote mental clarity, but it also supports emotional stability and helps reduce stress. Through regular meditation practices, you can create a deeper connection with yourself and live a more balanced life.

Kräuter und Kräuterpulver im Ayurveda

Herbs and their benefits

Ayurveda relies on a variety of herbs that offer specific health benefits. For example, Turmeric is often valued for its anti-inflammatory properties, while Ashwagandha is used to support stress management and general vitality. These natural products are often rich in antioxidants and can help protect cells from oxidative stress.