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DIe drei Gespräche mit Gott - ein Bestseller in einem Band. Neuauflage.
Neale Donald Walsch hat sich mit seiner renommierten Trilogie „Gespräche mit Gott“ eine grosse und engagierte Leserschaft aufgebaut. In seinen Dialogen stellt der Autor neugierige menschliche Fragen, auf die liebevolle und weise göttliche Antworten folgen. Dieser imposante Band vereint die vollständigen Texte der drei „Gespräche mit Gott“-Bände und bietet den Lesern einen umfassenden Zugang zu Walschs Ideen. Die Themenpalette reicht von persönlichen Schicksalsfragen über die Beziehungen des Individuums zu seinen Mitmenschen und zur Umwelt bis hin zur Entdeckung universeller Weisheit. Ein absolutes Muss für alle Fans von Neale Donald Walsch!
ISBN: 978-3-442-33851-1.
Seiten: 960.
Verlag: Arkana.
Masse: 22.1/14.1/5.2cm. 16. Auflage.
Introduction to the Complete Edition
Ten years have now passed since the first volume of Conversations
with God found its way into bookstores in the USA. Within weeks, thousands of copies were sold and the Book quickly became a phenomenon in the publishing landscape. For 137 weeks, i.e. over two and a half years, it stayed in the New York Times bestseller list. And volumes 2 and 3 made it onto the bestseller list. Since then, the books have been translated into 34 languages and are can now be found on the shelves of bookstores almost everywhere in the world. Sold millions of times, they are among the most widely read spiritual books of today Time. In many countries it is difficult to find a person who has not at least heard of these extraordinary texts.
How did this phenomenon come about? Why did it happen?
It has not happened because I am such a good writer, nor because some people consider my source to be beyond reproach. It has happened because humanity has begun to lose patience with itself. People everywhere are realizing that we cannot carry on as we have been.
We cannot continue to hold the opinions that we have held, cannot continue to hold the beliefs and We cannot continue to cherish the beliefs we cherished, we cannot continue to say the things we said, and we cannot continue to exhibit the behavior we Something has to change or everything will change – irrevocably and not for the time being. Better. Something has to stop before everything stops.
And now that we finally understand what is going wrong (and were able to admit it to ourselves), we can have alternative ideas and thoughts about God and about
life and about ourselves (if the belief in the first point changes, all others fall away like dominoes), and we can strive for a newer world.
This trilogy is full of such ideas and thoughts. As I have said many times before, you don't have to believe that I actually had a conversation with God to find something of value in this book. I have never asked people to give me my experience; I just asked them to look at the material, check it, rethink it and ideas and thoughts presented, regardless of their source, with an open mind and an open heart explore..
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